Sunday, December 3, 2006

i would love to post tonight...but i am exhausted...

however i can say...

grace is amazing!

God is good!

it is well with my soul!


Saturday, December 2, 2006

NYWC Day 2

well day two has come and gone...and lets just say today was a good day...

this morning's seminar was on the emotionally healthy youth worker. good stuff. the seminar was led by jeanne stevens and was most helpful. she did a really good job.

the general session this morning was philip yancey...a good word there.

i went to my seminar this afternoon and was totally exhausted...then i did the best thing...i went back to the hotel and took an hour nap...oh it was absolutely wonderful...i just chilled for a bit...spent some time just pondering... i definately learned as much through my nap as i would have at the seminar...good times.

chris hill tonight was utterly amazing...i am not the light...nor should i ever try to be...and you know makes my shoulders much lighter to know that...i mean i knew that before...but it was the first time someone actually gave me permission...i know...kind of crazy.

well i best be signing off of this...there is studying to be done for my final on tuesday...and then of course some sleep at some point...

peace out...

Friday, December 1, 2006

National Youth Workers Convention 1

This is my first post on blogger since I needed to change sites. Yay for that.

So I am in Charlotte for the NYWC. I attended the conference last year in Pittsburgh and had an amazing time. I was really looking forward to this year for a need to rejuvenate. The last few months have been pretty rocky. I have been so unsure as to whether I am going in the right direction or not.

So I came to this convention really trying to be prayerful about the whole thing. I feel such a disconnect from God and yet I try and lead teens to God. Crazy isn't it. It has been so long since I actually sat down and truly listened to God. I am so incredibly busy with going to school and trying to work 3.5 hours from the school. My schedule just goes none stop and I never seem to see a break insite. However, today I attended Yacanelli's seminar. And it definate hit home, both personally and on the youth ministry level. I have decided that I am going to make every possible effort to spend the first hour of every day with God. This is a huge deal for me. I have never been one with a specific carved out time for God. I have always been a make sure you do some sort of devotion some point in the day kind of girl. But I know it is what is needed. I pray God can help me do it b/c I know I can't.

I know another step I need to do is sit down with my pastor, which I am actually dreading. She is cool and all, I just never seem to say what I need to when I talk to her. Things aren't good and I don't know how to say it. Recently major change has happened in my group from pastor changes, to youth worker sell-outs, and too many rumors. It just plain sucks. But it is weird. While I was sitting in the general session tonight, I just felt so at peace with being at the right church...but yet I don't all at the same time. I don't know. December 15th will either make it or break it. That is the day I find out if the church got the grant to keep me on staff next year.

Too much going on. I am just tired and wish I had time for an actual vacation...or even a half day of sabbath.